Monday, March 22, 2010

Bravery by Drug

I am setting myself up for complete disaster
Projecting myself head-on into total risk of heartbreak
Making myself so vulnerable......
But I can't help it
It's just you.
You're my high.
I'm completely addicted.
I know it would be better for me to forget about you
Forget about anyone, really
Stop the madness of these insane feelings
All at once
But I know I'd just keep coming back
And I'd rather not disappoint myself by not being able to quit.
But does not giving you up make me a bad person?
Does loving the feel of adrenaline coursing through my veins when you say my name,
Pricking my awareness whenever you utter a single word,
Putting myself through this sick paranoia when I'm around you because in a weird way it feels good...
Does that make me obsessed? Overdramatic? Ill? Crazy?
Or does that show my strength and courage?
Throwing myself into this even though I am fully aware I might get hurt...
Because the opposite result is what we aim for in life?
Is, essentially, the meaning of life?
Is the meaning of my name?
All of the above
None of the below
We'll find out soon enough.


  1. hahahah ya marzi like "four by stinkin two". :) you seem to like that word.

  2. the date on my last comment made me swear out loud. That was a saturday. the saturday before easter. Shit...
