Sunday, September 4, 2011

A Very Random Post of Which There Shall Hopefully be More of in the Future.

So my house is full of smoke because my mom is making pork that has a alliterative title that I do not recall. The weather is being scary. And so I thought it would be nice to tell everyone about how I want to make this blog more snarky. Because, I mean, who doesn't love a snarky blogger? I recently discovered OH MY GOSH THE LIGHTNING IS LIKE A FREAKING CAMERA FLASH EVERY FIVE SECONDS I FEAR FOR MY LIFE. Ok so anyway I just discovered this freelance writer named Dan Bergstein. He does book reveiws and random posts for the SparkLife blog, affiliated with SparkNotes. And he's freaking hilarious. So google him. Yeah. And in case anyone cares my two favorite songs of the moment are Never Gonna Happen by Lily Allen and Beautifully by Jay Brannan. That is all. Unless you want me to tell you about how I spent my afternoon gluing random things to cardboard and listening to cheeky swear-a-lot Britpop. Which you probably don't. So bye.


  1. I forgot to say that there is something i would change about this song

  2. the part about not being beautiful to me

  3. I can see why you would change that, but I understand what he's saying. Sometimes, although someone's a great person and amazing and everything, they're just not the right person for you. At least he's being honest with her.

  4. Hi, i can see what your saying,i think if i were him though, i would take a chance, after all we only live once, better to have no regrets

  5. True, I think he's just afraid of hurting her if it didn't work out. Of course, he's also hurting her by not giving her a chance, so I suppose it could go either way :)

  6. I think you are right about both, maybe he is scared too
