Monday, April 5, 2010

Counting Blessings

Life is nothing without friends
Who know you and care about you
The kind you dont deserve
The kind that understand you and can talk to you for hours
And are too nice for their own good
The kind that can make you feel amazing or make you want to slap them
Or just tell them that you're not the only one who has a problem with them
Or the kind that are just going to be great and beautiful people that make you feel priveledged to be chosen as their friend
But dont even know you think that, which is of course the best part
Friends who gossip with you about people with whom they gossip about you
But it doesnt matter because you're such good friends
Friends, the kind who roll their eyes and dont listen but then ask you why you never tell them what goes on in your life....
Its because they're too caught up in themselves to listen or care or see your side
Friends whose little sisters like to be given piggyback rides
Friends whose little brothers are pretty cool
Friends who are guys and act like they're cool to impress you half the time and the other half pretty much forget you're a girl
But can always listen to anything you feel like blabbering to them and still like you because girls just blabber and it cant be helped
Friends who dont know you're their friends
Friends by coincidence
People you thought were more than friends but in fact you actually didnt like them that way
And once you realized that and got over all your jealousy and shakiness around them turned out to be great guy friends
Friends who bake and read and are kick butt athletes and friends who are really just your family
Friends who sunbathe with you on driveways and make crazy jokes in hot tubs at 10pm
Who you've spent more time with than your parents all summer
Friends who play tennis with you and then jump in the pool and then lay on the deck and eat pretzels
Friends with whom everything is funnier on the ride home
Or at 2am
Friends who annoy the crap out of you
Friends who you could spend all week with and be completely sick of but still somehow want to spend more time with
Friends who do everything with you
Friends that have made you unable to think of what to do when they are not home
And in fact, just drove in their black Kia Sportage, up their driveway
So I'm going to go now
Friends, all of whom make life worthwhile


  1. I love this poem. It has a simple deepness to it. At points I think I know who you're talking about and others are a mystery. As always it was superb. Keep on keepin' on! <3

  2. thanks marzi i luv you lots lots lots and i miss you!!!!! :( When you come back I will have to fill you in on who is who. :)
