Sunday, August 15, 2010

Window Rap

2 AM
You listen to
The songs of city tower blues
And also you try hard to stay awake for opportunity
Of night and day and brain and others' unity unity.
Cuz the room is bathed in slate
And you stayed up very late
And you're still up very late
Or maybe early
It is curly
Yes it is
the singer's hair
To whom you're listening
The pavement's glistening
In streetlamp light of suburbia
I guess at heart I'm a country girl


  1. wow this is so COOL and weird and true and everything lubA

  2. thanks Lil. :)Definitely one of my weirder ones.

  3. Translation for Anne: But doesnt part of you always yearn for New York City
    For those creepy dolls in the windows of theresa's
    Because yestaday i seen some lady lookin at me out her city window and I say I wanna be like her with the old apartment and maybe she has neighbors she don't like but undastands em anyway and listens to their thoughts while sippin cheap tea from the market that she waked to yestaday and also bought dishwashing liquid to be used for a very sinister use later on.
    Maybe she's got sumthin in her 'partment she don't want nobody to see.....

  4. woah, out there
    i like it :)

  5. I love all the different techniques you use, it's interesting and doesn't only make for a good poem, but a great brain teaser too!
