Sunday, August 1, 2010

internal workings

Guess what?
Oh, you know, you're inside my head.
(You're getting excited over nothing)
So what?
(Nothing's going to come of this)
You're no fun.
(Life isn't always fun)
Well I can at least tell some people...
(Keep your mouth shut for once in your life)
......You know my greatest fear, then?
(Yes, and I agree)
(He probably has a girlfriend)
I could knock her out of the picture in a second!
(Don't let this go to your head)
Yeah, well, all's fair in love and war...
(You've never even liked that saying)
It never applied to me. It's different now.
(Nothing's different)
Don't you get it? It's fate.
(No, it's desperation causing your mind to assume destiny out of a small coincidence.)
Oh, shut up.


  1. heyy remember i asked in august if i could get inside your head - thanks for letting me in :)

  2. hahah you're welcome aubrey. fortunately this isnt the deepest thing that comes from that confusing place called my noggin. :)

  3. Your starting to remind me of a Harry Potter novel and I'm not sure why. But anywho I think I've heard this conversation before, or a similar one at least. I seem to remember it ended in rings with one bead on them, even though the two ittle girls both wanted there to be two beads, or at least, I know one ittle girl did. Does this ring a bell?

  4. I still have that ring. :) pink wire with ONE silver bead. <3 And there is a Harry Potter conversation similar to this poem between Harry and his conscience... I believe the subject was Ginny? :)

  5. Just in case anyone cares he didnt have a girlfriend. Not that it matters seeing as the next time i will ever see him if even thewill be when im 19:( sigh.
