Sunday, January 30, 2011

Just Like the Movies

Hi, my name is ______________________ and I try to be as nice as possible to everybody. Sometimes I succeed and most of the time I do not but I'm guessing it's the effort that counts so I'm not too worried about my soul. I hold back a lot and half the time- well, more than half - I am not at all myself. Being myself is a rather high set bar, as I have no idea who I actually am. Sometimes I try to be witty and end up offending various people, mostly guys, who don't seem to take well to that sort of thing. Usually they say mean things to me and then I insult them more and curse at them in my head and vent through poetry and then I cry because I was always taught that if you're nice to everyone and you're smart and independent then the world would be in the palm of your hand but it's really not like that at all. You can tell that I really like a movie if I'm eating my popcorn at lightning speed. Yesterday an 96 year old man read me an Emily Dickinson poem and then gave me amazing advice on life. When I tried to reply he couldn't hear me. I do really like my life a lot in general but I really feel like there's something missing. And I am not a flirt and I don't want to be.
Thank you for your time


  1. oh my goshhh lubov so so relatable (is that even a word? it keeps being underlined...) and also beautiful and sad and inspiring <3

  2. this is better than anything i've ever seen before. ever. <3

  3. agreed agreed agreed! I adore the part about being taught to being smart and independent,because it's so god damn true.

  4. If only we could actually put that on a Hello! My name is...." card.
    and i completely and totally second Lilly!
