Sunday, June 13, 2010

Lost Things

Tweed coat of paint brush your hair tie your shoe store your book mark a word process thought
Never stop


  1. You lost a tweed coat? Haha just kidding - great poem Luba...makes ya think :)

  2. woah i had to read this about 6 times. brilliant =) and i like thinking about the title...
    like the all the meanings we miss out on? hmmm...

  3. ... they're not necessarily things that I've lost. Just things that have been lost, that are floating around, because we "never stop".... you know, but like a chain of interlinking words, like life is just a chain of events and so we never stop and wonder and look at the overlapping parts to maybe see what we've missed...

  4. I thinnk this might be my favorite, or t least in my top five. I don't know how you did it, but without the coloring, I would have had to read this a few more times. I all came together really well. It's like a circle, or like The Outsiders a book that never ends. I love the way it sounds when you read it!

  5. thanks marz. :) i like this one too.
