Thursday, April 15, 2010


I dont cry because I'm lying
I cry because you dont listen
I cry because you dont care that I'm crying
Or why
You punish
for this involuntary function of sadness
And its not fair
And I keep it all in
But one of these days I'm going to crack and tell you all the things about which I've held my tongue for the past thirteen years
Have I ever lied?
Not counting all the times you only think I'm lying?
The answer is no.
You dont see why I dont feel comfortable telling you things
Its because Im afraid
And thats not right
I shouldn't feel this way
We should be close.
Listen for the sound of the sobs of your child
And take the time to care why they are occurring.


  1. i love this. it's so depressing.

  2. okay, so with your amazing skill for writing poetry, which one are you going to read to the class???

  3. hahahaha idk.... i wanna read another one, because i liked the one i read, but i dont think anyone really got it.
